Here are some notes to myself

And here is a page about me and my shorthand (myshorthand.html)

And here is the version of Gregg shorthand I chose. (whichgregg.html)

And in case I am incorrect or I miss something you can email me at (not that I promise to reply!)

Names, dates, pictures etc are all wrong.

Timothy Bright 1588 Characterie

Even considering its earliest publication it is the worst system ever. 536 words to be memorised with no regular relationship to the word except for its first character. Each of these first characters are unique and are suffixed by one of 12 endings. The first character can be rotated [90 degrees anticlockwise, 45 degrees clockwise, 45 degrees anticlockwise] to produce 4 forms for each. So in total there could be up to 4*12 words formed from that starting letter. So with the 18 letters of the alphabet we could have 4*12*18=864 using this set: but as I say there are only 536 used in Bright's table. On the right is what can be deduced from the table (letter "A" cannot be read from my electronic print of the one extant copy in the Bodliean).

The other picture is an excerpt from the table showing how irregularly the characters relate to the latter letters of the word they represent.
The majority of the book consists of a dictionary of English words with no shorthand assigned. How the 536 in the table can be used to represent those shown (or any others) I do not, yet, know.
image of bright shorthand //image from Bright's book
John Willis 1602 ... Art of Stenograpy image of willis shorthand
Thanks to Wikipedia
Thomas Shelton 1600-1650 Tachygraphy. Pepys. I've a facsilmile book image of Shelton shorthand
Thanks to
Jeremiah Rich 1654 'composed by William Cartwright, published by his nephew, Jeremiah Rich'
I've a facsilmile book
image of Rich's shorthand
William Mason 1672–1709 published Arts Advancement in 1682
Pen plucked from an Eagles Wing 1672,_William_%28fl.1672-1709%29_%28DNB00%29
John Byrom 1720 image of Byrmom shorthand
Thanks to Rider University's digitisation of Leslie's Shorthand collection
Samuel Taylor 1786 "similar to Byrom" image of Taylor shorthand
Samuel Taylor 1801, from Rider University's digitised books.
Thomas Gurney mid 1700s Brachygraphy. (Based on Mason) Parliament's Gurney girls I've an original 10th edition image of Gurney shorthand
Miller's 1884 Gurney's System (Improved), from Rider University's digitised books.
Andrew Graham 1857 image of graham shorthand
Thanks to "Eclectic shorthand by cross.png" from Wikipedia
Duploye 1860 Gregg particularly influenced by this.I've an original 14th Sloan-Duployan edition (?1880) image of my Sloan-Duployan bookSloan-Duployan


picture & another picture

this is good, and more than what I was aiming at

Incredible. Louis A. Leslie, great man and collector. Full credit to credit to Rider University for digitisation!

Malone[1885] angered Gregg[1888]

After reading Sloan I see where Gregg got the idea of reversing circles to represent "r". Also perhaps the concept of looped circles.

Strangely, now I look at the Gurney system, despite its oddities, and the seemingly frequent occurrence of obtuse angled joinings, it does look rather good. It is very horizontal which I like. It looks similar to Shelton's but less fiddley - and certainly with less irregular short forms. It seems very British.

These are just pdf files (quiz.pdf) (quiz_answer.pdf) (U_S_states.pdf)